InfoWorld compara suites de ofimaticas


En el blog de Solidoffice se reporta una nota que originalmente publica infoworld sobre una comparativa entre con otras suites libres incluyendo Abiword, KOffice, Symphony.

“In this review I’ve taken a look at’s most recent release, along with the commercially-supported StarOffice from Sun, IBM’s reworking of OO.o as Lotus Symphony, the KOffice suite for Linux, and the minimal but still useful AbiWord. Talking about how these would entirely replace Microsoft Office would be misleading, since not everyone might be doing that — so I’ve looked at each product as far on its own merits as possible.”

La conclusion global es que es interesante ver este ambiente de cooperacion y competencia simultanea sobre un estandar unico en ODF es una prueba de innovacion.

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